Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Latest helmet

Check it out people. Harley Nation make these cool ass t-shirt. So be sure to look them up and get your ol'lady a t-shirt.


mike said...
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mike said...

nothing against you Primo, as always your work is great, as a frequent reader of your blog, i just noticed this and would like to clear it up, that is NOT a Harley Nation shirt, the original was done by Adam Jackson (http://adamants.wordpress.com/) and commissioned for Clazik Clothing(you can see the shirt here, which was over a year ago,http://clazik.bigcartel.com/product/jaqueline) all they did was remove the lettering from the arm and replace it, anyways just wanted to clear that up, think its pretty shitty when people rip some one off, yet alone straight up as they did here.